Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Adventure continues...

Well, we have accomplished a lot in just a few weeks...

First of all, Clayton has mastered a few new skills which he likes to show off all the time. One is shaking his head "no" which he does everytime he sees his daddy...funny...and he also claps (Patty Cake) when you ask him to and he will also pat something when you say "bang bang bang" to him. And we have started noticing he is trying to copy some of the things we do like sticking our tongues out or making a clicking noise. He is just BRILLIANT!!

As for our adventures in the City, we had our first weekend in the City as a family and ventured up to Daddy's office, to Grand Central station via the subway on Saturday and on Sunday, we walked over the pedestrian bridge to the World Financial Center to shop and have lunch and look at the WTC site from a different view. Our first ride on the subway to Grand Central went great and Clayton and I are now experts thanks to daddy ;) - yeah right. BUT, we did manage to make it to the pediatricians office in midtown all by ourselves on the 31st. We just acted like we knew what we were doing! haha

We also had our first Gymboree class on the 30th and Clayton met a few new friends and of course I met more NANNY's. They are all very nice, but wish we could meet the mommies!

Also, on April 1st, we had our first playdate with Wilson Urist (5 weeks older than Clayton) and his mommy Jac. They were the two we met on the first day here back in February at the Whole Foods. We exchanged numbers and became Facebook friends and hope to get to know them even better! We had fun playing with them and plan on doing it again this week. She is a lawyer with a film production company, so maybe she can introduce me to some movie stars :)

This past weekend we went home to Greenville for Easter and had so much fun with the family. I got re energized down there in the south and was so happy to see our doggy Gibson...we miss him terribly too. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful food and good times while we were home. Feels good to be missed. I know Clayton enjoyed seeing everyone. We COMPLETELY wore him out but he loved it all!
Now we are back in the City and Mamaw is visiting until Wednesday, so we made a trip up to Central Park yesterday and saw CBS, the Apple Store, had lunch at the Plaza and strolled through Central Park near the zoo. All via the subway...man we are getting to be regular new yorkers huh! And Clayton did great and stayed happy to whole time. I have such a great baby!

And today, we took Clayton to his 2nd Gymboree music class and he was in heaven...a little tired....but really enjoyed the other kids and playing the instruments. I think he may have the musical gene thanks to Pawpaw :) But his favorite part of the whole class was the bubbles...the teacher blew bubbles and played music and he was mesmerized. SO, of course Mawmaw and I had to go straight to the store and buy him some bubbles and once again, he was elated. We got him on video tape laughing hysterically! It's been a fun day!

So......I am attaching photos of some of our recent adventures and will keep you updated as we go! Having lots of fun so far!