Friday, May 21, 2010

Still having fun...

Sorry it's been a few weeks since the last it goes...

We made a trip home at the end of April for a week and a half while daddy stayed and worked in NYC, which we decided was too long to be apart because he spent the whole next weekend at the beach for a bachelor party. Next time we won't be apart as long!! But we enjoyed our time at home. Clayton got to go see his friends at school and mom got to visit with family and friends!

After the time at home, we were back in NYC for my birthday weekend...May 2nd.

First of all, I got flowers from Ryan and my family AND Coleman - it was the most exciting thing to receive deliveries right to my door...made me feel so special, so thank you all. And got sweet gifts from Mandy and Ellison and Mary Linda! Thank you thank you.

Saturday morning we "tested" out the pancakes at the Gee Whiz diner in Tribeca to make sure they were OK :) We wanted to have a good place to take the family when they arrived and they were delish. We then went through the Tribeca Film Festival street festival and went to the playground and on Sunday the 2nd, we decided to have a picnic together for my birthday at Battery City Park (an area I absolutely love). It's a brand new area, apartments, a big park and playground right on the water. It is fully landscaped with trees and grass and it just makes me feel like I am at home instead of a HUGE city. There are shopping areas, restaurants, and a movie theater, if we ever have date night ?!?! We picked up food from Whole Foods and had lunch on a blanket. It was lots of fun. It's the simple things that make me happy :) And of course Clayton loved being outside!

During the week, we just did our normal thing...EXCEPT for our first FEVER on Wednesday night. Poor pitiful Clayton. It got up to 102 almost and he felt terrible, but luckily, it was only a 24 hour thing...scared mommy to death though - i can tell I am going to be such a worry wart!!! We of course called the nurse's line at 3:30 in the am!!! So we had to skip Gymboree and reading at the new Public library, but managed the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, napping, etc...for the rest of the week.
Clayton is really getting active and attentive to EVERYTHING. I love this age. He is understanding words and what they mean. And smiles and laughs at everything. And talks and smiles at strangers all the time...everyday someone tells me how cute he is which makes his momma so proud :) - there are actually lots of nice people up here, something about having a cute smiling baby, people just can't resist. I love it! He sure is growing up. Everyday gets better!

The following weekend was a biggie...Mom, Dad, Mandy and Ellison came to visit on Saturday, the 8th of May, which was mom's 66th birthday. And the next day was my first Mother's Day. They came from Saturday to Tuesday and we kept quite busy. We decided to get a babysitter for the first time in NYC. We had Joyce, the nanny I met in our building, come keep Clayton Saturday afternoon so we could go explore. And Joyce IS WONDERFUL! So, we went up to Central Park...we had lunch at Carnegie Deli and went to the Central Park Zoo. Ellison had a blast feeding the animals and we took a million photos. We also went to FAO Schwarz and bought candy and puppets and found the first "ride" Clayton will have when he is old enough - a mini golf cart!!! Precious.

The 2nd day was a visit to the Empire State Building in the am and then a girls date to The Lion King on Broadway for our Mother's Day celebration. It was fabulous! And daddy took Clayton swimming while we enjoyed the show! And my sweet and thoughtful sister sent my mom and I a basket of yummy chocolate dipped fruit from Edible Arrangements on Sunday with 3 big balloons attached, which was Clayton's favorite part. He is so curious and excited about these balloons and we STILL have them in the living room. One escaped and floated up to the ceiling and EVERY time we come around the corner into the room, he looks up to make sure it is still there. He knows the word balloon ask him where it is and he looks up! Too cute!

The 3rd day Mom, Dad, Mandy and Ellison went to the Statue of Liberty and the last day, we just goofed around and went to the playground at Battery City Park. I was sad to see them go!

I wish our WHOLE family could move up here with us!!! I so enjoyed having everyone here!!!

Then we came home again for a wedding this past weekend and had a really good time and Clayton got to visit all his family! And we sure appreciate Auntie M's help while we were out. And Clayton slept better the two nights Auntie M put him down than he has slept in months...thanks...I need some of those drugs you were feeding him :) haha

And this week, we went to Gymboree, the park, the playroom, etc...

And now we are deciding what to do this weekend...hopefully something fun...who knows...stay tuned.

Love - Becca, Clayton and Ryan

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